The Right Shoe The Well Dressed Penguin


One of the most attractive aspects of running is that it seems so simple. There's no expensive equipment to buy, no need to drag that equipment someplace far away to use it, no need to get together with a partner or a team. All you really need is a pair of shoes and a place to run.

Of course, as you will discover, it isn't QUITE that simple. Running shoes are complex feats of engineering designed to protect, support, correct, and enhance the runner's natural biomechanics. Running apparel is manufactured in dozens of hi-tech performance fabrics to keep you warm, cool, dry, supported, and comfortable in every imaginable weather condition from the Sahara to Antarctica.

And what about other types of equipment--water carriers, race belts, energy gel holders, sweat bands, lace locks, ID tags, sunscreen that won't sweat off, anti-chafing lubricants, reflective vests, sunglasses, watches, heart rate monitors, orthotics, insoles, stretching and massage aids, injury remedies, training logbooks and software, etc, etc?

You get the idea! In order to feel like a runner and to be the best runner you can be, you need to learn about the equipment and accessories that can enhance your running.

Penguin Wisdom
With a single final step began an odyssey of self-discovery and self-affirmation beyond my imagination. I had no idea that the last step of one marathon *Is really the first step of the next.




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FitSense FS-1 Speedometer

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Last Updated: April 4, 2000 0:53