What does running mean to me?

Send us your testimonial about what runing means to you. Let your fellow penguins know how YOU feel about running and the penguin phenomenon.

Joan Baird
What has running done for me? Let's see ... it has lowered my blood pressure, raised my self-esteem, tightened my posterior region, and increased the number of neat people I know. All this AND membership in the Brigade, the coolest club around ... what a bargain!

Christy L. Garcia
I started running because in the year 2000 I wanted to do something I had never done, run a marthon. The training was grueling, the hours and miles were long, but running across that finish line and meeting the goal I set for myself was a life changing experience. I realized that I did not begin this to run a marathon, but to prove that even at 35 I am still the athlete that I was 20 years ago. I run for all things that I believe in and most of of all for me.

Dave Hames
Running is like chicken soup: it's good for your body as well as your soul. It restores and rejuvenates you.

Barbara Anel-Morris
I run for the sanity that I feel when I run. I run because it increases my self-esteem - I'm doing something that is not only good for me, but also makes me feel good. The Penguin Brigade has accepted me with open arms for who I am without judging or categorizing me by speed or weight. I finally feel that I belong.

Karen Rawson
My running is not about what I accomplish, but what I become. I have become more self-disciplined, self-motivated, self-confident, and self reliant. I have become more positive, more patient, and more determined. I have benefited from running in every area of my life.

Marv Marten
For several years illness first sapped my energy, then came depression and later pain. Finally a diagnosis and the end of pain, gradually more energy and the depression lifted. As I regained my health a feeling of childlike JOY overwhelmed me. I had to express it, so the kid in me RAN! As I run I feel myself grow healthier, stronger, happier. I am back and I will run until I can't anymore.

Andrea Hames
Net running provides an escape from the day's activities and an opportunity to regroup for the next day. The Penguin Brigade has given me so many new friends that provide support and assistance when the going gets rough.

Sara Spivey
The Penguin Brigade is my most important piece of running equipment!

E-mail us your own testimonials and include a picture! Let your fellow Penguins find out what being a Penguin means to you.


Penguin Wisdom
Runners may be more honest than the rest of the population. When you have to face the truth about yourself on a regular bases, it makes you more honest.



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FitSense FS-1 Speedometer

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Last Updated: June 14, 2000 22:44