How does someone go from a 43 year old, 240 pound,
life-time smoker, overeater, and drinker to a marathoner?
Slowly... that's how. All of us get to where we are one day
at a time, and that's how we have to get to where we want to
This program has no instructions for WHAT activity to do,
just some indications of HOW LONG to do it. The most
important part of a new program of activity is to start
gently and be patient.
That first week, just get off the sofa and out of your
house. Walk around your neighborhood or walk around the
mall, it doesn't matter. What's important is that you just
get started.
This program is designed to help you break free from
sedentary confinement. It shouldn't hurt, you shouldn't be
in pain, and most of all, you shouldn't HATE it.
And DON'T do more than what is recommended. Just take it
easy, enjoy yourself, and learn to find satisfaction in
moving your body!!
As with any changes in lifestyle, you should check with your
doctor before starting.